[isoc-ny] Noon EDT today - Internet Society Community Forum on Youth and the Internet

ISOC-NY announcements announce at lists.isoc-ny.org
Thu Mar 16 04:41:17 PDT 2017

Hey young 'uns! This one is for you!

*Community Forum on Youth and the Internet*

When*: Thursday 16 March 2017 at 16:00 UTC (12:00pm EDT)*

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join. *https://isoc.zoom.us/j/730969934*

Or join by phone:
 +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Webinar ID: 730 969 934
International numbers available:

*Youth and the Internet Survey*

Are you age 13-25 or know people in this age group? We want to know how
young people feel about the Internet including challenges and
opportunities. Please take or forward our 3 question Youth and the Internet

*English*:  http://bit.ly/2mQ0k4k

*Français*: http://bit.ly/2mlYBGp

*Español*: http://bit.ly/2n6vXr1

*Português*: http://bit.ly/2mGgIbf


Joly MacFie
President - Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY)
<http://bit.ly/2mGgIbf>http://isoc-ny.org          218 565 9365
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