[x-pubpol] USA: Companies, Agencies Will Need To Share Spectrum

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed May 16 11:52:20 PDT 2012

NTIA: Companies, Agencies Will Need To Share Spectrum
By Josh Smith
May 15, 2012 | 4:11 PM

Government agencies can't be expected to use spectrum as efficiently as
private companies, an official with the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration told congressional staffers on Tuesday.

The diverse ways that federal agencies use spectrum range from unmanned
aerial vehicles to emergency radio communications. That, NTIA deputy
associate administrator Karl Nebbia said, means it's not easy to completely
clear government spectrum for use by private companies.

Nebbia and John Leibovitz, deputy chief of the Federal Communications
Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, joined congressional
staffers for a Capitol Hill briefing hosted by the Information Technology
and Innovation Foundation on the growing demand for spectrum.

Nebbia's arguments sync with an increased push by NTIA officials to find
ways to share scarce spectrum with private companies, rather than squeeze
government users onto other bandwidths.

In March NTIA chief Lawrence Strickling announced a plan to seek such
sharing, including finding ways to allow private and public users to
operate without interference. That proposal aims to strike a compromise
between civilian agencies that want to expand broadband coverage, and
defense and law enforcement officials fighting to protect the spectrum they

"This will be getting people on both sides ... to think about this in a
different way than it's ever been thought about before," Strickling said at
the time.


Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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