[x-pubpol] FBI Wants New App to Wiretap the Internet

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Feb 1 12:07:57 PST 2012

The FBI’s Strategic Information and Operations Center (SOIC) posted a
‘Request for Information (RFI)’ online last week seeking companies to build
a social network monitoring system for the FBI. The 12-page document
spells out what the bureau wants from such a system and invites potential
contractors to reply by February 10, 2012.

It says the application should provide information about possible domestic
and global threats superimposed onto maps “using mash-up technology”.

It says the application should collect “open source” information and have
the ability to:

* Provide an automated search and scrape capability of social networks
including Facebook and Twitter.
* Allow users to create new keyword searches.
* Display different levels of threats as alerts on maps, possibly using
color coding to distinguish priority. Google Maps 3D and Yahoo Maps are
listed among the “preferred” mapping options.
* Plot a wide range of domestic and global terror data.
* Immediately translate foreign language tweets into English.
It notes that agents need to “locate bad actors…and analyze their
movements, vulnerabilities, limitations, and possible adverse actions”. It
also states that the bureau will use social media to create
“pattern-of-life matrices” — presumably logs of targets’ daily routines —
that will aid law enforcement in planning operations.


(Reaction from privacy advocates on the link)

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - http://wwwhatsup.com
 http://pinstand.com - http://punkcast.com
 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY - http://isoc-ny.org
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