[x-pubpol] Australia: Government backs copyright industry code

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Mon Oct 17 00:12:50 PDT 2011

ISPs unsure on international arrangements

The Federal Attorney-General's second-in-command has encouraged the creation
of a self-regulated industry code between internet service providers and
rights holders to combat piracy issues.

Department secretary Roger Wilkins joins a growing chorus of views from
rights holders, service providers, user groups and copyright experts
agreeing an industry code would be preferable to further litigation or
copyright legislation.

Wilkins initiated talks with several large service providers over the issue
last month, in light of ongoing negotiations with rights holders.

He told attendees of the Copyright Law and Practice Symposium in Sydney that
the speed, anonymity and cross-jurisdictional nature of online transactions
meant "conventional" regulatory models had become "severely challenged".

"In order to safeguard and secure copyright ... we need to take a look at a
new and somewhat unconventional approaches to information and law
enforcement," he sold.

"My belief is that solutions will rely on new business models that create
incentives for consumers and other market participants to comply with the
copyright law and also the technological innovation of the copyright owners.

"They are going to emerge through cooperative agreements and participation
between copyright owners and service providers."

The existing Copyright Act provided space for an industry code to be formed
on the issue, he said.

While Wilkins is effectively willing to take a back-seat to industry
discussion, he warned Government involvement is required to facilitate an
agreement and ensure consumer protections are safeguarded in any resulting
industry code.

The Attorney-General's department is set to conduct further meetings with
internet providers before the end of the year.

Talks between service providers and rights holders have been held separately
from those with Government.

Those have been underway since November last year, with Communications
Alliance CEO John Stanton this week championing
reaching leeway with most affected creative industries.

Stanton said parties had made "more progress in the last six months than in
the past five years" but just what kind of code would eventuate remains

Vanessa Hutley, former Microsoft counsel and lead for music and wider
content rights groups, said copyright holders had moved for a "graduated
response" mechanism such as those implemented in France and more recently in
New Zealand.

The French experience, she said, had proved successful. A total of 650,000
first notices had been delivered since implementation in January 2010,
to blog TorrentFreak<http://torrentfreak.com/60-french-isp-account-holders-on-their-third-strike-for-internet-piracy-111003/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:%20Torrentfreak%20(Torrentfreak)&utm_content=Google%20Reader>,
and 44,000 owners received a second strike.

A total 60 users faced termination of internet access on their third strike.

Australian representatives of content owners, however, had not condoned a
termination mechanism. Instead, ISPs would impose an "effective sanction"
against users after sending multiple "educational" warnings under the
suggested regime.

Hutley declined to comment on threats from smaller rights holders to begin
mass individual lawsuits such as those attempted over the past decade in the

She said the continued negotiations with service providers were the
preferred method.

Holly Raiche, of the Internet Society of Australia, singled the US
memorandum of understanding signed earlier this year as an example of
effective cooperation as it required a verified connection between the
infringement and the user who had infringed.

But she warned Australian ISPs will first have to agree on a uniform
acceptable usage policy for users, as many currently differed wildly on
copyright provisions.

The Federal Government has also moved ahead with public consultation on
potential changes to copyright legislation.

The laws were last amended in 2006 to include safe harbour provisions that
brought Australia into line with provisions of the free trade agreement with
the United States.

In his keynote to the symposium, Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland
announced progress to two of three measures he had proposed on copyright
amendments in February<http://www.itnews.com.au/News/249439,canberra-mulls-a-wider-safe-harbour.aspx>

These included a discussion paper
proposing a broadened definition of safe harbour provisions to include
online content providers such as Google in addition to internet service

The discussion paper had initially proposed streamlining the process
required by copyright owners to identify an internet subscriber thought to
have infringed copyright.

However, the initial document posted Friday appears to have been removed
with its replacement no longer mentioning the streamlining aspect.

The Attorney-General's department told *iTnews* that the the original
version of the document had been "mistakenly posted" on Friday and
immediately withdrawn.

The department did not clarify whether the discovery process proposal would
be introduced at a later date.

McClelland said any changes to copyright legislation required the Government
to "effectively balance" protections for both copyright owners with internet
user rights.

But Michael Fraser, director of the Communications Law Centre at the
University of Technology, Sydney, disputed the notion that previous uses of
balance had been effective in past amendments to the Copyright Act, which
had nearly tripled in size over several decades.

"There has been insufficient public policy explanation and justification of
amendments to the Copyright Act," he said.

"This circumstance has perhaps inadvertently led to a process of copyright
law reform predicated on a so-called 'balance' where the meaning of the term
'balance' has sometimes been reduced to mean a 50-50 split between the
claims of the interests which are sitting at the law reform negotiation

"It is fair in its way in that it is not biased to any interest [but] reform
becomes more piecemeal and incoherent, the Act gets closer - three times
longer than when I first read it - more complex and it lacks integrity."

Concerns on the ineffectiveness of copyright legislation in the current
technological climate had led Fraser and other copyright experts to form
part of an advisory group to the Australian Copyright Council to back the
notion of an industry-led code.

The code, they suggested, would be legislated into future amendments to the
Copyright Act in order to set out clear definitions of repeat infringers and
provisions for dealing with such subscribers.

Default standards built into the Act would function as a "fallback" to the
code, requiring any service provider or eligible party who did not agree
with the code to still be liable for requirements under safe harbour laws.

The Communications Alliance's Stanton said he hopes an agreement can be
reached by the first quarter of next year but is uncertain that can be

"We're in this position partly because the copyright legislation in this
country and many other [countries] has failed," he said.

"Things will continue to move fast in this space and whatever regime we're
able to agree to put in place, I think we ought to be prepared to
continually review that, test its effectiveness and modify it as necessary
so that it remains an effective means of addressing what is a very complex
and fast-moving problem."

*ALRC review update*

McClelland also announced initial terms of reference provided to the
Australian Law Reform Commission on potential amendments to the Copyright
Act would include determining whether current exemptions to legislation are
"adequate and appropriate".

The terms are set to be released for public consultation before being passed
onto the commission by the end of the year.

Attempts to reform legislation are likely to coincide with ongoing
litigation between film studios and service provider iiNet as the parties begin
appeal hearings<http://www.itnews.com.au/News/275616,iitrial-heads-to-high-court-hearings-in-december.aspx>
the High Court this December.

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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