[isoc-ny] WEBINAR TUESDAY: Can We Make IPv4 Great Again? w/ @AbrahamYChen

ISOC-NY announcements announce at lists.isoc-ny.org
Tue Mar 7 08:50:37 PST 2017

​This about to start.

Mr Chen has made available a further set of resources

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:37 AM, ISOC-NY announcements <
announce at lists.isoc-ny.org> wrote:

> ​Tuesday is of course March 7. Thanks to all who pointed that out!
> To say that Mr. Chen's EZIP proposal has not, thus far, been received with
>> open arms by the networking community would be an understatement. It is
>> seen as delaying the inevitable and introducing an impractical extra
>> routing hardware layer that will be hit & miss. Nevertheless, since much of
>> the world is still IPv4 dependent, it just could take off. ISOC-NY is happy
>> to give him the opportunity to expound on its merits.
>> joly posted: "On Tuesday March 8 2017 at noon EST the Internet Society
>> New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) presents a webinar Can We Make IPv4 Great
>> Again?. Abraham Y. Chen, VP of Engineering, Avinta Communications, will
>> present his EzIP proposal to reinvigorate the diminishing"
>>   WEBINAR TUESDAY: Can We Make IPv4 Great Again? w/ @AbrahamYChen
>> <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031>
>> [image: Abe Chen] <https://twitter.com/AbrahamYChen>On *Tuesday March *
>> *​7*
>> * 201*7 at *noon EST* the *Internet Society New York Chapter
>> <http://isoc-ny.org>* (ISOC-NY) presents a webinar *Can We Make IPv4
>> Great Again? <https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/238164448/>*. *Abraham
>> Y. Chen*, VP of Engineering, Avinta Communications, will present his *EzIP
>> proposal
>> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-chen-ati-ipv4-with-adaptive-address-space-00>*
>> to reinvigorate the diminishing pool of IPv4 addresses. Please register at
>> the link below. This will be recorded.
>> *What: WEBINAR: Can We Make IPv4 Great Again?
>> <https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/238164448/> When: Tuesday March *
>> *​7*
>> * 2017 Noon EST | 17:00 UTC Register + info:
>> https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/238164448/
>> <https://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/238164448/> Computer:
>> https://zoom.us/j/914492141 <https://zoom.us/j/914492141> Phone:
>> http://bit.ly/zoomphone <http://bit.ly/zoomphone> ID: 914 492 141 Twitter:
>> #ezip <https://twitter.com/hashtag/ezip>*
>> Comment <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031#respond>    See all comments
>> <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031#comments>
>> *​Permalink*
>> http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031
>> --
>> <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031>
>> <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031>
>> Joly MacFie
>> President - Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY)
>> <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031>
>> <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9031>http://isoc-ny.org          218 565 9365
>> <(218)%20565-9365>
> ____
> Internet Society - NYC Metropolitan Area Chapter
> http://isoc-ny.org
> 'The Internet is for Everyone."
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Joly MacFie
President - Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY)
http://isoc-ny.org          218 565 9365
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